AI Solutions for Healthcare

Network Scope Product Datasheet

Network Scope Product Datasheet

Network Scope gives you AI-connected insights and comparative behavior analysis for each healthcare group, plan, hospital, pharmacy, dental practice, and provider in your network. With the unique Codoxo AI product insights your network teams will have the comparative coding behavior data you need in contract negotiations to bring down long-term costs.

This product datasheet explains how the Network Scope product works and how it can help your network team and Chief Medical Officer get unique insights into each group, plan and network and engage with them to bring down healthcare costs.

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Our Forensic AI Engine analyzes your data, detects problems, and builds connections across your data to provide actionable insights

Insight Scope

For everyone across the health plan

Clinical Scope

For clinical teams

Audit Scope

For everyone across the health plan and PBM

Network Scope

For network teams

Payment Scope

For payment integrity teams

Provider Scope

For network and payment teams

Fraud Scope

For SIU teams


We provide a full range of professional services, from data migration and ongoing customer success through flexible virtual SIU options.